The Reinheitsgebot symbol on our beer guarantees that you get only the very best that beer can offer.

At Namibia Breweries Limited, we are extremely proud that we uphold the tradition established in 1516 and brew according to the Reinheitsgebot. We believe that this is the only way to brew a pure beer. It is not an easy task, but NBL chooses not to compromise on quality.

Reinheitsgebot Logo

Our superior brewing process

Ours is one of a few large-scale commercial breweries in Africa that brew according to the Reinheitsgebot.

The German Reinheitsgebot (“Purity Law”) of 1516 requires the exclusive use of three ingredients: malted barley, hops and water. NBL’s commitment to the Reinheitsgebot provides consumers with a guarantee of quality and the use of safe, natural ingredients.